It's only 9am and yet I'm already in a state of sensory overload!
I'm travelling to Liverpool for work so it was an early start. But it was worth it!
When I came out the tube at Euston Square I was met by my first moment of pleasure. There is a fruit stall near the exit/entrance and they sell their own freshly squeezed range juice. I caught that aroma and was immediately transported to a little beach bar on a family holiday where we used to sit and sip freshly squeezed orange juice... Warm sun, happy days...
From the train, whilst reading my papers for the meetings, I caught a whole series of stunning snapshots that enhanced that warm feeling.
The Grand Union Canal full to the brim and looking serene. My romance with canals started only recently but they evoke memories of fun and friendship, tears and laughter and initial bewilderment at water with steps in! Where I come from it's all level!!
Then in rapid succession two elegant white swans grazing in a field of fresh, tasty winter wheat shoots.
A flock of sheep, heads down intent on eating - all white with one, proverbial, exception! I love black sheep!
A plethora of nests. Some solitary, a pile of twigs crafted into a safe haven among the branches. Others in close proximity to one another. Like us, some birds want a social life while others prefer solitude.
The last rays of sunlight as we raced into the gathering clouds on our journey north.
Little whiffs of smoke rising from narrow boats moored in tiny marinas.
Being transfixed by the horizontal path of rain drops on the window pane.
I could go on and on and on...
But all these things made me realise that it is the simple things in life that bring us so much pleasure...
Sadly, all too often we're too busy to notice them... What a shame. What a waste.
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