Thursday, 10 February 2011

I believe in an afterlife, I hope you do too. I can't quite get my head round how futile I would feel this life to be if there were no other purpose... no future... no eternity...

So I often wonder what it might be like. The idea of heaven has prompted far more erudite poems and prose than I could ever produce. Its also captured the imaginations of those who paint and compose. Through such experiences we can find ourselves transported to a personal image of what it might be like. But, I guess, it can only ever be personal.

Last Sunday morning the main worship was led by the children's group. It was refreshing and lively, as you would expect. Lots of catchy little songs to sing with those amusing/excruciating actions to go with them. Oh, how I wish I could do them and relax rather than feel awkward and stiff!! But it was delightful and uplifting, the smiles on everyone's faces told the story. However, during that time something happened that has stayed with me all week.

You might ask what that's got to do with the afterlife.

Well, following on from one particularly vigorous song we had a Bible reading - by some of the older children. That was good but what captured everyone's attention was a younger child, about 5 years old who was in the play area doing some drawing. He was humming the tune to that song. Not so loud as to be annoying or disruptive. Not so soft that it could hardly be heard. But just perfectly pitched in volume and melody.


... and a teeny weeny glimpse of heaven - for me and, judging by the reaction all around me, for everyone else too!

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