Sunday, 13 February 2011

Isn't funny how we have an inbuilt desire to protect...

I first really noticed my own when I became a parent - it went from 'ticking over' to 'over drive' in one swift movement! I would have done anything to protect my children, I certainly would have preferred to be ill in their place - I may have said that before - but this morning the same sensation washed over me again.

With all the spring bulbs more or less through I felt sufficiently brave enough to tackle some gentle weeding in the garden. I did the front last week so the back garden was looking decidedly on the scruffy side. Being that close to all the little clumps of brown rotting material was fascinating. Yes, I know I spoke about all the shrubs that were bursting forth only yesterday but close up I was suddenly aware that new life was everywhere!

Having a week in between each time I see things at home means I notice the difference all the more, tiny changes each day are hard to spot, but the changes that are achieved over a week are invariably significant.

I was so excited I have to confess to being overwhelmed by a desire to speak to them, tell them they looked beautiful - because fresh new growth always does - and that I was so proud that they'd managed to survive the winter frost and ice. I can see me turning into a latter day Prince of Wales yet!!

Even the rhubarb that I'd carefully covered with more compost last week had determinedly broken through again.

So why did I feel so protective?? Well the forecast suggests we may have another cold snap and I'm anxious for those tender new shoots... I want to protect them from the harsh reality of life...

I just have to share this! The sky this morning captivated me. I was fortunate enough to be up as the sun rose. The sky was grey and full of heavy low clouds but for a couple of magnificent minutes the whole of the eastern horizon was illuminated by scarlets, crimsons and magenta's. Utterly stunning and as quick as it came it disappeared. Had i not been there I'd never have believed - it was one of those 'blink of the eye' moments....

What a joy!

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