Thursday, 24 March 2011

I was enjoying my shower this morning, just lingering in the warm water, when it struck me how privileged I was to be able to enjoy that luxury...

There are people all over the world - in obvious places like areas that are developing or areas that are suffering the ravages of conflict - where the idea of a shower on demand would be beyond wildest dreams. More recently there are places around the world that took this simple luxury for granted that can no longer reach out for the tap or press the button. Places like Christchurch and the north east of Japan...

I then spent some time wondering just what it would be like... to find myself without proper washing facilities, no running water, no sanitation, no cooking facilities, no privacy. I'd struggle - BIG time. I find it hard enough when I go to place where the facilities are 'Spartan and I have to share a bathroom. We've become so used to these things. We've even become used to the ultra luxury of en-suite bathrooms...

What if we lived on a fault line? What if the eastern coast of England and Scotland had been decimated by an enormous earthquake? How would we feel living in a sports hall with dozens of others?

I have been bowled over by the quiet dignity of the New Zealanders and Japanese... Would I be so stoic?

We need to become a more joined up society. We need to respond to these events in the quickest and most humanitarian way. Generally speaking we do but sometimes we're deluded by wealth and assume that developed countries can 'cope'... There are times when even they can't!

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