Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Its fascinating working in Westminster at the moment.

Actually, its always fascinating but its particularly so right now because of all the preparations for "THE" wedding. I first noticed something unusual about six weeks ago when I realised that the triangular piece of road immediately outside the Abbey had been "refreshed" and looked rather splendid - I guess the cameras of many nations are likely to be focused on it as the carriages roll up and then away...

Then the other day as I walked along the path that skirts the perimeter of the Abbey grounds I couldn't help but notice that several large sections of turf had been replaced and a gardener was diligently mowing the more mature pieces of grass. A long winter and the tread of hundreds of visitors, mostly gazing at the poppy fields in November, had taken their toll on the tender blades.

I'm now alert for what will happen next! I may even feel its worth reporting here...

Its just a different scale isn't it?? I'm deeply immersed in the preparations for our son's wedding (the day after "THE" wedding) and beginning to get involved with our daughter's plans. I also overheard a young woman on the train Monday describing how her dress had cost almost the same as the price of the hot buffet for the guests... I hope there weren't many guests! I'm also unconvinced that a dress could be worth spending that much! But "each to their own" is a reasonable motto to live by and all young couples want their own day to be unique and memorable, glittering and happy. That is not wrong!

However, somewhere niggling away uncomfortably is the thought that its an awful lot of money for one short - but special - day.

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